The book Timeless paper
As has become customary, a special publication entitled Timeless Paper will again be launched to accompany the Holland Paper Biennial 2002. The editor of the book is Peter Gentenaar, the design is by Loes Schepens. They also collaborated on the books for the three previous biennials: Tactile Paper (1996), Fire & Paper (1998) and Paper & Water (2000).
The book published in 1998 won the European Design Annual Award and the book produced in 2000 was one of the books selected for The Best Dutch Book Designs.
In the book Timeless Paper, thirteen experts in the field of paper discuss the different aspects of paper in a historical and technical context.
These include:
- The rediscovery of papyrus
- Moveable picture books
- Wood-free paper
- The aging of paper
- Savanna paper from Zimbabwe
- The history of Javanese bark paper
- The evolution of the scroll into a book
- The first paper mills in the United States
The authors of these essays are Professor F.A. Pennachietti, M. en B. Richardson,
R. Teygeler,H. Voorn, H. Rombouts, H. Porck, W. Ruprecht, P. Gentenaar, G. Valentine,
C.J. Kazilik, G. Ulbricht and J. Risseeuw.
The work of the 19 artists taking part in the exhibition also appears in the book. Samples of the paper they use in their work have also been intergrated into the book in a most ingenious way.
Timeless Paper (Dutch/English) is published by vUitgeverij Compres bv, Leiden.
ISBN 90-73803-03-09; 240 pagina's. Retailprice € 49,95.